The Civil Society Workshop will meet on Thursday, February 22, at 12:30 pm for a discussion with
Sarah Tansey, Research Manager, Human Rights Funders Network
“International Funding for Human Rights: Who Are the Donors and Where Does the Money Go?“
Abstract: The Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) is a global network of approximately 1,500 individual grantmakers committed to advancing human rights through effective philanthropy. It was founded in 1994 by a small group of philanthropists and foundation staff who wanted to share their strategies and what they were learning, discuss field-wide trends, and collaborate. In order to inform funding decisions in the field, HRFN and Foundation Center created the Advancing Human Rights: Knowledge Tools for Funders data set and research initiative. Now tracking over $12 billion and over 1000 funders, the Advancing Human Rights initiative maps the evolving state of global human rights funding through dynamic, interactive tools designed to help funders and advocates share knowledge, identify potential partners, and increase their effectiveness. This conversation will cover the full life cycle of the research, from its initial goals and methodology to its current findings to its yet-to-be-determined future, for academics as a research opportunity and as a chance to provide feedback.
We will meet in room 6112.01 at the Department of Sociology!